Shipping Time --Shipping times at checkout are estimates based on the providers service estimates. Transit times are not guaranteed by Seafarer Marine Supply (SMS). Please visit the shipping providers website for current delays and guarantee info. Most orders received before 1 PM and shipped UPS will usually ship the same or next business day, provided the product ordered is in stock. Most UPS orders received after 1 PM will ship the next business day. Orders are not processed or shipped on Saturday or Sunday, except by prior arrangement. USPS orders will normally ship the next business day. FEDEX Express orders placed before 12PM will usually ship the same day. CWR- items are dropped shipped for our vendor in either FL or NJ depending on their stock and they may upgrade/swap shipping with the same level or better. USPS orders may take an extra day for pickup depending on the time that days pickup is made. USPS orders placed on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday may not ship until Tuesday when USPS arrives early for pickups.
We cannot guarantee when an order will arrive. Consider any shipping or transit time offered to you by SMS or other parties only as an estimate. We encourage you to order promptly to avoid delays caused by shipping or product availability.
Surepost is picked up by UPS and may be delivered by USPS or UPS. USPS will leave if No Response.
SMS is not responsible for lost, stolen, or damaged packages. Insure you order to cover in transit loss or damage.
Please contact carrier if package shows delivered.
Guarantees & insurance are per the carriers/providers terms.
Shipping and Handling Service upgrades can be purchased at checkout. Please verify service availability with UPS or Fedex and stock with SMS before checkout. No Refunds. Only select if needed for your purchase day and delivery day requirements, I.E. For Next day if Friday, 2 day if Thursday, 3 day if Wednesday.
Seafarer Marine Supply may cancel any order for territory restrictions.
See carrier holidays on their websites. USPS UPS FEDEX
UPS time in transit estimate map below. For items shipped directly from SMS.